Q1.When did you start running and what got you interested in it?
I started running in 2004 when I was looking for a new challenge. The Dublin marathon that year was supposed to be a once-off, but I got thoroughly hooke.
Q2. How many marathons have you run?
At the time of writing (July 2012), 21 marathons and 8 ultras.
Q3. What’s your favourite event?
Connemara Ultra (the 39 miler)
Q4. How many miles do you run in a typical week?
About 70
Q5. What’s your best ever running performance?
Coming second in the Irish 24 hours championship.
Q6. What running shoes do you wear and do you wear racing flats?
I prefer lightweight trainers but am not very picky. Nike Elite Plus, Adidas Ace, Brooks Green Silence and Saucony Kinvara have all been used in recent times. For races I prefer Nike Lunaracers, for everything between 5k and 50 miles.
Q7. What was your worst marathon experience?
Belfast marathon 2005. I started cramping before mile 12, which was ridiculous. We passed the finish area at mile 15, I have no idea how I resisted temptation to drop out.
Q8. How fast could you run a mile on a track?
About 5:20 I guess.
Q9. What’s your marathon PB?
Q10. What’s the best piece of training advice you were ever given?
Run more and run slower
Q11. Have you ever had a serious running injury?
Q12. What training session do you find the hardest/dislike the most and what’s your favourite session?
I hate speed work but I love tempo runs.
Q13. What is the longest race you have completed?
126.1 miles (202.913 kilometers) in the aforementioned 24-hours race
Q14. Do you have a Favourite quote [running or otherwise?]
“Any idiot can run a marathon. It takes a special kind of idiot to run an ultramarathon.”
Q15. Weirdest food you’ve ever eaten during a marathon?
Nothing too weird. During my long ultra I ate tons of potatoes and rice krispie squares.
Q16. Strangest thing you’ve ever seen during a marathon?
Can’t think of anything, really. Some of the spectators’ signs can be really funny.
Q17. What usually goes through your head as you cross the finish line of a marathon?
When’s the next one.
Q18. Do you get narky if you don’t get a run in?
Oh God yes. And my wife eventually kicks me out of the house, no matter what state I’m in.
Q19. Have you ever considered how you’d handle it if you couldn’t run again?
I’d have to find something else to completely obsess about
Q20. What event have you not yet completed that you would like to do the most in the future?
My dream race would be the Badwater Ultramarathon in California’s Death Valley. But since I cannot imagine ever being able to afford that one, I might have to settle for the Spartathlon in Greece (for Which I have qualified recently).