Q1.When did you start running and what got you interested in it?
2007. I returned to cycling after getting job transfer. Due to poor
public transport organising, i had to get a bike to get me to and from
work. I next got interested in cycling events. It had helped me get back in
shape and lose weight. The annoying part was that it couldn’t get rid of my
pot belly so decided to try running. From there, it helped and my legs
kept going and going.
Q2. How many marathons have you run?
So far 62 ( 14 Ultras )
Q3. What’s your favourite event?
1. Dublin Marathon (It excites me)
2 Newry Marathon ( I love that Canal run after Mile 13 ! My favourite )
3. Donadea Forest 10k (Looking forward to the 50kms this February 2012 ! )
Q4. How many miles do you run in a typical week?
30-50 miles per miles per week depending on my swimming and cycle training
Q5. What’s your best ever running performance?
Carlingford Half Marathon 2011
Q6. What running shoes do you wear and do you wear racing flats?
I am very anti-Asics At the moment i wear Adidas Supernova Sequence and
K-swiss Kwitchy Blade light for training. For racing would be Mizuno Wave
Q7. What was your worst marathon experience?
Cornwall Trail marathon 2009 Had a Peroneal Tendon injury that time.
During the event, i twisted ankles on both feet and managed to get to the
finish line with a time of 7.50 ( Worst time ever ! )
Q8. How fast could you run a mile on a track?
Haven’t timed it yet !
Q9. What’s your marathon PB?
Q10. What’s the best piece of training advice you were ever given?
Don’t over do it
Q11. Have you ever had a serious running injury?
Twice I had a Peroneal Tendon Injury from January to June 2009 and a
Posterior Tibial Tendon injury from April to August 2009. Both happened on
my left leg/foot. Patrick Leahy of the Dublin Laser Centre did a superb
job mending the Posterior Tibial Tendon injury
Q12. What training session do you find the hardest/dislike the most and
My favourite session is a nice and easy smooth run smiling.
Worst would be any session that ‘kills’ your heart and lungs !
Q13. What is the longest race you have completed?
Dingle 50 mile Ultra 2010
Lake Balaton Supermarathon 195kms 2010
Q14. Do you have a Favourite quote running or otherwise?
Kick Ass !
Q15. Weirdest food you’ve ever eaten during a marathon?
Those nasty thick and sticky gels.
Q16. Strangest thing you’ve ever seen during a marathon?
While running the Lake Balaton supermarathon, they were serving beer at the
aid stations !!
Q17. What usually goes through your head as you cross the finish line of a marathon?
What time did i finish …!
Q18. Do you get narky if you don’t get a run in?
Q19. Have you ever considered how you’d handle it if you couldn’t run again?
Yes ( There is lots to do in life ! )
Q20. What event have you not yet completed that you would like to do the most in the future?
1. Sydney and Melbourne Marathons, Australia ( Maybe my 100th one, I lived
there for 15 years )
2. The Western States Endurance 100 mile