Q1.When did you start running and what got you interested in it?
Started running for the Dublin Marathon OCT 2011, I just started by going out for a run one night and have continued every since.
Q2. How many marathons have you run?
Q3. What’s your favorite event?
Connemara Marathon
Q4. How many miles do you run in a typical week?
60-80 miles
Q5. What’s your best ever running performance?
3Hour 23 min in Limerick this year
Q6. What running shoes do you wear and do you wear racing flats?
Q7. What was your worst marathon experience?
None so far some are tough but thankfully nothing to serious
Q8. How fast could you run a mile on a track?
Never ran a mile on the track , I suppose 7 min ?
Q9. What’s your marathon PB?
3Hour 23 min
Q10. What’s the best piece of training advice you were ever given?
Don’t really listen to other people training techniques , I listen to my own body
Q11. Have you ever had a serious running injury?
No – Have had 3 operations on my Achilles and when I was younger , no injury’s yet since I started running marathons
Q12. What training session do you find the hardest/dislike the most and what’s your favorite session?
I like running and training don’t dislike any part of it , the only run you regret is the one you never done !
Q13. What is the longest race you have completed?
Q14. Do you have a favorite quote [running or otherwise]?
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever” Lance Armstrong
Q15. Weirdest food you’ve ever eaten during a marathon?
Nothing to unusual – I have started eating jaffa cakes
Q16. Strangest thing you’ve ever seen during a marathon?
A man totally collapse and fall on the ground in front of me @ 25 mile mark in Dublin
Q17. What usually goes through your head as you cross the finish line of a marathon?
When is the next one
Q18. Do you get narky if you don’t get a run in?
I sure do the missus could verify this
Q19. Have you ever considered how you’d handle it if you couldn’t run again?
Nope and don’t ever want to
Q20. What event have you not yet completed that you would like to do the most in the future?
Start training for Back to Back multiple marathons next year